FaceTrainer by no!no! FAQ
How often do I need to exercise? And for how long?
The frequency and duration of your exercise sessions will vary as you progress. Please follow the Training Regimen attached to your user manual to achieve optimal results.
However, everyone is different and you should listen to your body. If your face or jaw is sore, take the day off. You may not be able to train 10 minutes a day, or even everyday. Do what feels best to you.
Are there any side effects?
You can expect some muscle fatigue and soreness as your face adapts to the resistance of the FaceTrainer™, but every great workout creates at least some fatigue. That’s how we know it’s working.
Why do my muscles hurt during and after FaceTraining?
Your facial muscles have never been through a workout like this. As they adapt to the exercise and shape up, the discomfort should lessen considerably. Consult the Tips section of the user guide for facial stretches and massages to relieve any discomfort during your training regimen.
When should I start to see results?
You will start to feel the results almost immediately. Results vary, but for most FaceTrainers, noticeable results occur after 2-4 weeks of consistent use. Everyone will progress at his or her own pace; if your body responds quickly to exercise, it should respond quickly to the FaceTrainer™.
When do I need to switch to Level 2?
We recommend beginning Level 2 after 60 days. However, if you are familiar with exercise and are progressing rapidly, you may safely move up to Level 2 after 30 days of use.
What happens if I stop using the FaceTrainer™?
As with all exercise programs, your muscles will begin to atrophy and return to their previous state.
Can more than one person use a single FaceTrainer™?
This is a personal fitness device; we do not recommend sharing it with others.
Is there an age limit?